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Exceeding Your Expectations

SunClan Consulting is a top-to-bottom, side-to-side professional development organization dedicated to supporting K-12 administrators, counselors, educators and other staff serving Native American students.  We also provide engagement and empowerment training to Indigenous parents and other family members and leadership academies to Native American youth.  Our services are customized to our client's identified needs.


Please note: All services can be provided to non-Native audiences.  Our professional development work and youth leadership academies will benefit all staff and students.







Photo by Sam Minkler:

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Understanding Federal Education Funding: Title I-A, II-A, VI-A & Johnson-O'Malley

Overview:  Participants will expand their knowledge of federal education funding sources that impact their Native American students and how to make the most of these funds while complying with the law that governs them.


Target Audience: School board members, school district staff, classroom teachers, counselors, specialists, paraprofessionals, Indian Education Committees, individual parents, tribal council members, community members


Short-term Outcome: 

Expanded awareness of purpose and allowable uses of individual funding sources.


Mid-term Outcomes:

  • Improved use and tracking of funds

  • Improved decision-making for use of funds

  • Improved compliance with laws governing use of funds


Long-term Outcomes:

  • Effective Use of funds according to their purpose

  • Decisions for us of funds based on greatest needs of Native American students

  • Few or zero findings resulting from compliance monitoring or fiscal audits


Ultimate Goals for Native American Students:  Greatly improved levels of academic achievement, greatly improved attendance, low dropout rates, high graduation rates, and more.


Photo by Sam Minkler:

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Connecting to Native American Students 

Target Audience: school district staff, classroom teachers, counselors, reading and math specialists, and paraprofessionals.

Overview:  Participants will learn how to improve teaching techniques, how to better connect to Native communities, and positively affect academic outcomes for Native American students in urban and reservation schools.


Target Audience: School district staff, classroom teachers, counselors, specialists, and paraprofessionals.


Short-term Outcome: Expanded awareness of Native American history and general cultural knowledge


Mid-term Outcomes:

  • Improved connections to Native American students

  • Improved relationship to the Native community


Long-term Outcomes: 

  • Deep understanding of challenges that Native American students face

  • Ability to successfully apply learned practices when educating Native American students


Ultimate Goals for Native American Students and Educators:  Greatly improved levels of academic achievement, greatly improved attendance, low dropout rates, high graduation rates, job satisfaction, and long-term retention of teachers and administrators.



Photo by Kevin Russell:


Leadership Training for Native American Youth

Overview:  Participants will learn skills to make good choices regarding education, career, family life, and civic engagement.


Target Audience: Native American youth in grades 7-12.  (Non-Native American youth are welcome!)


Short-Term Outcomes:  Students will become aware of what it takes to be an effective leader, how to recognize a good leader to follow, and what it means to be civically engaged.


Mid-term Outcomes:

  • Students demonstrate leadership ability either in school or at home

  • Self-esteem has been improved based on responses to survey questions


Long-term Outcomes:

  • Students become actively engaged in leadership outside of school or family

  • Confidence and self-worth are significantly improved among participants

  • Students have identified ways to become civically engaged


Ultimate Change for Native American Students/Schools/Communities:  Active involvement by a majority of the community in decisions affecting them (student council, clubs, tribal council, parent committees, etc.); reduced bullying, more Native American clubs, larger parent committees, etc.).


Photo by Kevin Russell:


The Power of Family Engagement

Overview: Participants will learn how to be effective members of an Indian Education Committee, how to work with school staff to incorporate Native culture into the curriculum, how to prepare their children for a college education, and how to advocate for services for their children.


Target Audience: Parents or guardians of Native American students, other adult family members.


Short-term Outcome:

Family members, especially parents, will gain some tools to be more involved in their children's education.


Mid-term Outcomes:

  • Family members will gain some confidence advocating for services for their children via federal programs.

  • Family members will learn how to contribute to cultural events at school.


Long-term Outcomes:

  • Family members will have the knowledge they need to serve effectively on an Indian Education Committee.

  • Participants will know how to advocate for supplemental education services that will benefit their children.

  • Participants will understand how to contribute to culturally related activities in their children's schools.


Ultimate Change for Native American Students/Parents/Schools:

  • Greatly improved levels of academic achievement for Native American students of participating family members

  • Greatly improved attendance, dropout rates, and graduation rates for these students

  • A strong sense of satisfaction among participants as engaged family members

  • A much deeper knowledge of Native American culture among school staff and students


Photo by Sam Minkler:

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Understanding Tribal Sovereignty

Overview: Participants will learn about the history of Native Americans and how that history produced sovereignty for federally recognized Indian tribes.


Target Audience: Open to all


Short-term Outcomes: 

  • Improved consultation efforts between affected LEAs and tribes

  • Enhanced teaching regarding Native American history


Mid-term Outcomes:

  • Improved Tribal Consultation outcomes for Native American students

  • Better connection between teachers and their Native American students

  • Improved self-esteem among Native American students


Long-term Outcomes:

  • Excellent outcomes for Native American students resulting from districts partnering with tribal representatives

  • Teachers, Native American students, and non-Native American students understand the impact of historical trauma and ways to overcome resulting challenges

  • Eventual significant improvement of academic outcomes for Native American students at participating schools

Ultimate Change for Native American Students/Parents/Schools:

  • High level of partnering among administrators, educators, Native American families, and tribal representatives resulting in excellent academic achievement and self-esteem among Native American students

  • Greatly reduced misunderstanding of what it means to be a sovereign Native American tribe

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